
Metadecidim, our community

A democratic community that manages the Decidim project in all its dimensions

Metadecidim is a community that collaborates in the design of the platform and the construction of the project. Together we can design and develop new features and report bugs for continuous improvement of the platform.
Propose and help define new features
Report bugs and help the developers fix them
Help shape the future of the platform
The Decidim Community during the Decidim Fest 2021
What can a Decidim administrator do?

Easily configure participatory processes Do you want to make a strategic plan? Or discuss new regulations? Or discuss a new square or a public building to achieve the common good? Thanks to Decidim you will be able to configure participation spaces (initiatives, assemblies, processes or consultations) and enrich them through the multiple available components (face-to-face meetings, surveys, proposals, voting, follow-up of results, comments and many more).

What can a participant (user) of Decidim do?

Decidim makes it possible for thousands of people to organize themselves democratically by making proposals, attending public meetings, fostering decision-making discussions, deciding through different forms of voting and monitoring the implementation of decisions.

How can I get more information about the Decidim Association?

In the general assembly of the Decidim Association you can find more info abous us, follow the activity of the meetings and check relevant information (statutes, legal agreements, the internal regulations)

What is Decidim?

Decidim is a Free Open-Source participatory democracy platform for cities and organizations. But Decidim is more than a digital platform: it’s a common's free and open project and infrastructure involving code, documentation, design, training courses, a legal framework, collaborative interfaces, user and facilitation communities, and a common vision.

Try Online — Play around and explore freely the Decidim platform with our online demo. Online demo